Well the turkey and trimmings having been consumed we were able to hold a post Christmas session, the festive spirit did sneak in to the meeting ....despite my Grinch like efforts to keep it out. Several of our number had gotten new toys essential tools for Christmas, some photos were sent of the new equipment and in one case I think Santa must have enlisted some help getting it down the chimney.

Twas the final meeting before Christmas (sorry couldn't resist that one) .... so it had to be give away time!! We had some work submitted but of course everyone was busy with the run up to the holidays. However the promise of those wonderful give away prizes meant we still had a pretty full house. 

Another week over and you can certainly tell that Christmas is coming....lots of festive projects underway! So here is a breakdown of last weeks show and tell....

Well it looks like we didn't scare off the new visitors as they came back for more! Another crop of photos showing work either done or in-progress, the in-progress one's are on the radar now so I can badger you later on!  So here are the one's that I have photos for (if I have missed you out then I didn't have any photos .... hint, hint!).

These Monday things seem to be habit forming, though it is noticeable that a number of folks are "hiding" in the background, you know who you are ..... so why not have something to hand to share on Monday evening....it's either that or Pat will start picking at random!! Anyway last week we had a large amount of work shared and we had a couple of new visitors, hopefully we didn't scare them off altogether...

This week we begin with two big thank you's:

  • Firstly to Steve Jones for taking some time out to pay us a little visit and I know that some of you really enjoyed that.
  • Secondly to Pat Carroll for stepping in to host the meeting whilst your usual host was "swanning around" doing other things and of course Mr Carroll was instrumental in getting Steve to come along....I'm sure you can all vouch for Pat's powers of persuasion!!

Well, another busy Monday evening with plenty of things going on in a variety of workshops, lots of shavings of various types being made.....and Pat's still trying to claim that the image of his untidy workshop was a fake.....we all know the truth mate!

Another Monday evening that went well, we must be doing something right as we are picking up new people...though they may not actually come back for a second helping of course !!

Well after the host last week (thanks again Pat) it was back down to earth with a bump to the normal Monday evening host...though maybe we should do the "guest host" thing more often?

Well, that was a change! A big thank you to our "guest host" Pat Carroll for stepping in to host the Monday session whilst some of us were swanning off to host other sessions.

A full evening meeting yet again, and our first visitor from the United States...not sure what he made of the accents though !!

This turned into a very busy evening with a lot of contributions from those attending, we even let one of those southerners get a word in....whatever next!!