Arun Radysh Haasis: Woodturning

We had a good turn out for our session between Christmas and New Year, nice to escape from the turkey and repeats for a while at least....

Arun Radysh Haasis: Woodturning

Well the last session before Christmas was certainly a lively one, everyone pitched in as usual and the evening was certainly one to remember....

Ken Bryden: Woodturning

I'm not sure how we managed it but last week we packed in more than 50 photos from folks at the session and a video to go with them...must be something to do with Christmas...

Pat Carroll: Woodturning

Well, this week we managed to get away with a minimal number of Christmas turnings (still in Scrooge mode), we had a very large pencil sharpener and Pat showed us all his rusty nuts.....I believe you can get treatment for this on the on for more.

Arun Radysh Haasis: Woodturning

Well this Monday we had some really splendid work shared and thankfully no more of the personal waxing (see last weeks meeting report), read on for the full story!

Martin Stacey: Woodturning

Well this Monday we had some really splendid work shared and a bit of something that can only be described as masochism, read on for the full story!

Pat Carroll: Woodturning

Well this Monday we continued with some more musical instrument work, some heavy lifting, some horticulture and we even managed to fit in a little on for more details!! 

Pat Carroll: Woodturning

This Monday we took a little trip out to BoxStock, revisited some of the work on display at Wizardry in Wood and had a wide range of work on display from those at the meeting...not sure how we managed to fit it all in but we did!! Read on for more details... 

Helen Bailey: Woodturning

This Monday we had the pleasure of congratulating Helen on a job well done at the Wizardry in Wood show in London, Helen returned North with a first prize and a commended...well deserved! We had some items for "Dia de los Muertos" and one of our number found some new tricks on his camera phone!

Patrick Lindsay: Woodturning

This Monday we have luxury hotels, spotty sycamore and one of our group has returned from a little "vacance" in France with a boot full of on for more!

Helen Bailey: Woodturning

So, a Monday evening with yet more fantastic work on display... You need to read on to find out the full story!

Margaret Garrard: Woodturning

So, a Monday evening with an unexpected "How to" and a world premiere no less!! You need to read on to find out the full story!