Pat made me do it

Well the Boxing Day (St Stephens Day) meeting was interesting, we had a number of attendees wearing Christmas hats and jumpers and it would appear that one of our number had perhaps a wee bit too much sherbet...don't worry....this is a safe space (yeah right)

Patrick Lindsay: Orchids

It's almost here !! Christmas gift production is now at fever pitch: angels, snowmen, gonks and many other items are rolling out of sheds and workshops. We still managed to find time to discuss some other turning and woodworking related issues though, and (of course) there are the orchids which were supplemented by Christmas Cacti this week...very seasonal!

Gary Lowe: Woodturning

Well, as you might have guessed more Christmas production this week and inevitably.....more gonks !!! Martin has been out spending money (shocker - not at Axminster!), Mike has been out spinning around on the water and of course we have Orchids. Another busy week.....

Arun Radysh Haasis: Woodturning

Yes, it's official....Christmas production is in full swing ....we even had a gonk!! Lots of photos from an event at a well known tool retailer in the North East and of course no week would be complete without an orchid or two!!

Graham Brooks: Woodturning

It looks like Christmas production is now in full swing, lots of those Christmas items being made in the workshop. Another lightbulb moment from Mr Irons and a somewhat unseasonal garden visitor in on for more.

Richard Dickson: Woodturning

Another experiment this week...this time a laser engraving experiment that didn't quite go according to plan. We also had more Christmas production work, photos from Harrogate show, a hollow form made without bending the tools and, of course, orchids!

Mick Johns: Woodturning

Experiments with Gold Leaf, writing implements, piercing, mens toilets, Orchids....thank goodness for our new starter Mick who brought along some woodturning. Oh and in case you didn't realise it's getting on to Christmas....

Phil Irons: Woodturning

Another batch of photos from the RAF, a lightbulb moment, Christmas production work and a whole load more. How do we fit it all in?

Paul Howard: Woodturning

Neil Turner in Borgue (wrapped up well !!), treadle lathes, basketry, vintage aircraft, wooden nuts and bolts, a lathe for sale, Christmas production runs plus not one disaster but three...I had to lie down somewhere quiet after this one...

Patrick Lindsay: Woodturning

Timber deliveries, restoring saws and (of course) the almost inevitable Christmas trees. Yes folks, the pre-Christmas production rush is upon us...

Burnsy: Woodturning

More workshop output, a club visit and a visit to the Vicmarc factory. So if you're not already out there making stuff then read on for a bit more inspiration!

Jay Heryet: Woodturning

This week more workshop output, a game of "What kind of wood is this?" and some feedback from a recent event set up for young turners...yes there are some out there!!