Richard Dickson: Woodturning

Well, things are hotting up with the Christmas Challenge...the entries are flying in!! We had entries of all types, shapes and sizes

Gary Lowe: Woodturning

Well, that was a marathon session!! The entries are flooding in for the Christmas challenge, we had lots of woodturning (no surprises there !!) and we also had lots of other work on show including quilting, knitting, crochet, 3d printing and more besides. What a talented bunch !! Read on for more...

Graham Brooks: Woodturning

The Christmas Challenge is progressing, we had work on display this week from a lot of people, we even had a parsnip in a pear tree (Yep, it's Christmas Cracker Joke time). We had a legacy piece sent out for completion, light up Christmas trees, natural edge pieces and of course we had Orchids !! Read on for more...

Richard Dickson: Woodturning

Lots of work on show this week plus a handy tip for re-purposing some of those old flat drill bits we all have rusting away somewhere. The first of the entries for the Christmas Challenge arrived, come on you lot get a move on..Read on for more.

Daniel Stewart: Woodturning

Well, the Harrogate show seems to have been a big success and we had reports back from a few folks who had managed to get to it and really enjoyed meeting up. We had new lathes on show, some lovely work on show and of course...some Orchids. A challenge has been set for those wanting to participate and there's a prize for the groups favourite on for more!

Martin Stacey: Woodturning

Lots of things going on with preparations for Christmas (yes I know, it's not December yet) and folks getting excited about the Harrogate show. All sorts of stuff going on, plus a report back from the recent AFTAB symposium in France read on for more...

Gary Lowe: Woodturning

Another week with all kinds of work on show from bowls to shed doors and a whole lot more besides! Read on for more...

Margaret Garrard: Woodturning

All sorts of stuff this week, Margaret Garrard picked up a well deserved award in London from the Worshipful Company of Turners, we had lathes for sale, lathes purchased, new workspaces being taken on, log dogs, mystery timbers and a whole lot more do we fit it all in!! Read on for more....

Gary Lowe: Woodturning

Another interesting week, some really nice work on show and some interesting ideas for future pieces discussed. We also had wooden cranes and the recently repaired set of chuck jaws have once again been involuntarily dissassembled. Read on for more...

Gary Lowe: Woodturning

Well what a week, we have a roof being made waterproof (finally), experiments with blowtorches, emerging spheres, repurposed window cills, a radically new product line (or so he claims), flying chuck jaws and of course Orchids! Read on for more...

Phil Irons: Woodturning

A busy week, we had club demonstrations being delivered, wood being collected, batch production, gift making, turning plastic fence posts and a sneak preview of the pieces being made for an upcoming exhibition ....what a busy lot. Read on for more....

Brampton Show: Northumbria Woodturners

Alright then,  off we go with an update on a busy session! We had quite detailed information on making dogs, leaves and some very fancy spirals of two types....Archimedes and Fibonacci - I had to look those up!! We had some splendid work on show and an update from the Brampton show which was held in North doesn't that mean it was the North Shields show on for more.