Lots of work on show this week plus a set of photos from the IWG symposium and a powerpoint presentation from Margaret Garrard which showed us just a small selection of her beautiful work. Read on for more:
Andrew Hall sent over some photos and videos of a small garden project to replace a trellis. Andrew took ideas from the iron railings in front of his house and used up some spare part turned pieces to create a trellis that echoes the railing design. Very clever indeed !!
Burnsy reported back on slower than expected progress with the new shed but the weather and several other things have hampered progress. We also got a photo of the last session at the Seafood van in Kirkcudbright prior to the new restaurant opening soon. Lastly we got a look at some more Christmas products rolling out of the workshop.
John Brown sent in a photo and video of a lidded box completed recently. John has been using the Simon Hope threading jig and is very impressed with it - well done!!
Len Shield sent in some photos of some decorated bowls made from some pitch pine. The decoration caused a great deal of interest and I think it's safe to say brought back quite a few good memories of Andy Capp and his long suffering wife Flo. Fanstastic stuff, very well done !!
Paul Howard sent in some photos from his recent expedition to the Irish Woodturners Guild symposium. We got a look at some absolutely fantastic work including pieces made for the recent IWG challenge involving a 150mm cube of timber. Some really great pieces on show.
Phil Irons sent over a few photos of recent pieces including a burr Elm urn made as a commission, a really lovely piece of timber.
Videos Submitted This Week
As always we had several contributions from others so, if you showed something, then please do send over some photos you can do it from your mobile phone.... it's not that hard, just ask a teenager for help!!
Don't forget you can find the previous Monday Session Reports on the website just click here. You can also look at the images for each week by clicking here and look at the images for each contributor by clicking here.
Once again thanks to all of you for making these evenings such a success, if nobody contributed then none of these evenings could happen. Keep on making and, most important of all, keep on sharing!
Photos are below, click on a photo to see a bigger version.