Another busy week with homes for feral cats, fly fishing, home renovations, greenhouse renovations ....some of us even found time for some woodturning!! Whatever next... Read on for more:
Andrew Hall sent in some photos from a fishing trip on the Northumberland coast, plus a trip to a well stocked fishing lake - should have seen the one that got away. We also got some photos from a recent club demo which featured some very colourful pieces and a couple of seasonal items!! These will form part of the Christmas Challenge 2024.
Burnsy sent in some photos of some diversions away from things, a home was created from offcuts for the feral cats that seem to have claimed the garden as home - possibly something to do with the food being left out for them. A rather nice iMac also arrived !! Oh and the insulation arrived.
Gary Lowe sent in some photos of a a doorstop which has been converted into a hollow form. It's a really nice piece of work, the square windows caused a lot of interest...apparently those square drills are quite hard to come by.....along with sky hooks and tartan paint...nice work!!
Kevin Purdy sent in some photos of recent work including some housing for fairies/elves (or whatever sort of magical creatures you want). We also got a look at a winged box/bowl..recovery coming along nicely!!
Malcolm Ferguson sent in a some photos of the magic sponge he uses to clean up his diamond wheel, readily available at your local supermarket. We also got a photo from the recent Brampton Woodturners open day showing the competition winners receiving their prize from Ian Forster - well done again!!
Martin Stacey sent in a some photos and a video showing the completed renovations in the house, including the addtional works when the boiler had to be replaced - lots of brownie points due on this one !! We also got a look at the completed set of nesting dolls - in this case penguins. Very well done indeed.
Patrick Lindsay sent some photos of ongoing renovation work in the greenhouse - bigger hammer required. We also got some seasonal information about Guy Fawkes and his pals and of course a look at the latest Orchid in bloom.
Phil Irons sent in a some photos of a recent piece made from a piece of local timber with some very dark staining. Phil located the culprit whilst hollowing and managed to extract it - and did it without bending a handle !!
Videos Submitted This Week
As always we had several contributions from others so, if you showed something, then please do send over some photos you can do it from your mobile phone.... it's not that hard, just ask a teenager for help!!
Don't forget you can find the previous Monday Session Reports on the website just click here. You can also look at the images for each week by clicking here and look at the images for each contributor by clicking here.
Once again thanks to all of you for making these evenings such a success, if nobody contributed then none of these evenings could happen. Keep on making and, most important of all, keep on sharing!
Photos are below, click on a photo to see a bigger version.