Right then, a busy week with turning and other work on show from a number of folks, the Christmas Challenge 2024 entries are starting to arrive with pinocchio and, of course, we had our first batch of gonks. Read on for more:
Andrew Hall sent in some photos and some videos from a recent club demo. The potters wheel turntable was part of the demo, both turned items and canvas were used and you can see this in the videos. Andrew has been coating the coloured work to see how it stands up to weather in the garden..we can expect a report back after the winter. We also got a look at a stunning collaboration piece - a harlequin bowl uke...stunner !
Graham Brooks sent in some photos of a few bits of work being done for the festive season including gonks...nice work!!
Kevin Purdy sent in some photos of a recent piece made as a gift for a young person, some really nice work on this one - that's one very lucky young person !!
Len Shield has had the paints out again!! This time we got a lovely bowl with Pinocchio on show, outlined with pyrography and then painted with acrylics. Fantastic stuff!!
Patrick Lindsay sent some photos of a small bowl he had made, diameter about 30 inches and depth of between 8 - 9 inches....and of course we got a look at the latest Orchids in bloom.
Richard Dickson sent in a some photos of a recent piece made from a piece of burr...kind of an almost bowl. Well done !!
Videos Submitted This Week
As always we had several contributions from others so, if you showed something, then please do send over some photos you can do it from your mobile phone.... it's not that hard, just ask a teenager for help!!
Don't forget you can find the previous Monday Session Reports on the website just click here. You can also look at the images for each week by clicking here and look at the images for each contributor by clicking here.
Once again thanks to all of you for making these evenings such a success, if nobody contributed then none of these evenings could happen. Keep on making and, most important of all, keep on sharing!
Photos are below, click on a photo to see a bigger version.