Lots of seasonal preparations going on, some further progress on workspace renovations plus one of our number suffered a little setback on some of the work done over the summer. The Christmas Challenge came to a conclusion and the members choice this year was Len Shield and his wife Kathleen...and deservedly so !! Read on for more: 

Andrew Hall: WoodturningAndrew Hall suffered a slight set back this week, or rather the carefully pointed and painted wall in the front garden did. A neighbour got the calculations slightly wrong when reversing a van and....there's a small amount of rebuilding required !! Oh well, worse things happen at sea !


Burnsy: WoodturningBurnsy has been continuing on with the planned workspace modifications, this week it was the turn of the woodburning stove to get a bit of TLC with a wire brush and some paint...it's a Dowling stove so it really doesn't need much more than that! The cracked glass panel has been removed...a new one needs to be sourced and fitted. The next step will be refitting the flue and then firing it up...but lets not get too far ahead of ourselves!!


Patrick Lindsay: WoodturningPatrick Lindsay sent in a couple of photos for the Christmas challenge featuring some rather lovely displays made by his wife....very nice indeed.


Phil Irons: WoodturningPhil Irons decided to spin up another lump of the Mulberry burr to make a biggish hollow form. While the lump of timber may have looked less than promising the piece that came out of it is pretty spectacular...nice work as always !!


Videos Submitted This Week   


 As always we had several contributions from others so, if you showed something, then please do send over some photos you can do it from your mobile phone.... it's not that hard, just ask a teenager for help!!


Don't forget you can find the previous Monday Session Reports on the website just click here. You can also look at the images for each week by clicking here and look at the images for each contributor by clicking here.

Once again thanks to all of you for making these evenings such a success, if nobody contributed then none of these evenings could happen. Keep on making and, most important of all,  keep on sharing!

 Photos are below, click on a photo to see a bigger version.

Andrew Hall: Woodturning
Andrew Hall: Woodturning (2)
Andrew Hall: Woodturning (3)
Andrew Hall: Woodturning (4)
Andrew Hall: Woodturning (5)
Andrew Hall: Woodturning (6)
Burnsy: Woodturning
Burnsy: Woodturning (2)
Burnsy: Woodturning (3)
Patrick Lindsay: Woodturning
Patrick Lindsay: Woodturning (2)
Phil Irons: Woodturning
Phil Irons: Woodturning (2)
Phil Irons: Woodturning (3)
Phil Irons: Woodturning (4)
Phil Irons: Woodturning (5)
Phil Irons: Woodturning (6)
Phil Irons: Woodturning (7)
Phil Irons: Woodturning (8)
Phil Irons: Woodturning (9)