Another busy week. Some wall rebuilding, a "simple job" which turned out to be not quite so simple after all (we all know the type), some cracking gifts, candlesticks and of orchid or two to bring a bit of colour to proceedings. Read on for more:
Andrew Hall has been out making some Christmas Tree ornaments from a stockpile of Leylandii offcuts destined for the log burner, some LED's were added to complete the festive look...very nice. The wall which had the close encounter with the reversing van has been repaired and just needs a lick of paint to finish it off for Christmas...very nice!! We were also introduced to Andrew's new walking companion...Sunny...splendid!!
Burnsy went to tackle one of those simple jobs, you know the ones !! Just take the radiator off so the plasterer can do the wall, easy right....lockshield off, TRV off....oh hang on that TRV is leaking at the gland...easy just tighten it up or re-pack it...oh it's got a solid plastic core and isn't valve then...drain the entire system...refill it and don't forget the inhibitor. Simple jobs, don't you just love them.
Graham Brooks has been polishing off some more seasonal gifts. It's some nutcrackers this time, threaded spindle and nice solid body... a cracking present ...see what I did there !!
Margaret Garrard missed the deadline for the Christmas Challenge but sent in a few photos of a seasonal nature anyway. Very nice as always !!
Patrick Lindsay sent in a some photos of a couple of candlesticks made recently from some large diameter pieces of privet harvested from a neighbours garden, seems to be very like Holly in appearance. Still wet when turned so we will wait to see what happens next !! We also got someimages of the current blooms in the greenhouse to bring a bit of much needed colour into the proceedings !!
Videos Submitted This Week
As always we had several contributions from others so, if you showed something, then please do send over some photos you can do it from your mobile phone.... it's not that hard, just ask a teenager for help!!
Don't forget you can find the previous Monday Session Reports on the website just click here. You can also look at the images for each week by clicking here and look at the images for each contributor by clicking here.
Once again thanks to all of you for making these evenings such a success, if nobody contributed then none of these evenings could happen. Keep on making and, most important of all, keep on sharing!
Photos are below, click on a photo to see a bigger version.