Seems like the festivities have not stopped many of us from getting on with things and this week we had some woodturning, some woodturning tuition being delivered. We also saw some high tech innovation making its way into the workshop and some very quick service from a supplier. Read on for more: 

Andrew Hall got a few odds and ends made including these Christmas trees which were turned for a neighbour from some offcuts of Leylandii then he added some simple LED lights bought online, very festive!! We also got a look at a video of a very nice Christmas themed dog house made by Richard Kennedy...lucky dog!!


Burnsy: WoodturningBurnsy sent in a variety of photos including the latest addtions to the pillar boxes by the crotchet group, a replacement for a damaged USB cable (don't stand on them!!), some MFT accessories that arrived from Santa and a piece of glass that arrived for the stove door which was not expected until after the Christmas period....well done to Flue Supplies for that one!!


Gary Lowe: WoodturningGary Lowe has been out in the workshop and produced these two pieces. The first is made from Jarrah with texturing and a bit of metal leaf, the second is a piece of Horse Chestnut with some Blackwood legs...and very nice they are too!!



Julian Cleak: WoodturningJulian Cleak sent in some photos and a video of a very nice Christmas present, a 3d printer!! Julian took the plunge and has gotten a Bambu Labs Mini printer, he was very impressed with the way it just came out of the box and he has to get to grips with the design software! Looking forward to seeing some prints in the New Year.



Kevin Purdy: WoodturningKevin Purdy has been busy as always, this time a bit of teaching when his niece came over to try her hand at woodturning, a splendid first bowl with a decorative finish...lets see some more in the New Year!! Kevin also turned this rather lovely box with a copper lid in a "pagoda" style with decorative always, very nice indeed !!



Martin Stacey: WoodturningMartin Stacey has been busy as always, this time he has been preparing for a club demonstration in the New Year. Martin will be doing some "splatter platters" by applying paint to some prepared blanks and then turning the lathe on...hence the splatter part. A box has been made to contain the mess...or at least to try to contain the mess !! We will see the results in the New Year.



Videos Submitted This Week   




 As always we had several contributions from others so, if you showed something, then please do send over some photos you can do it from your mobile phone.... it's not that hard, just ask a teenager for help!!


Don't forget you can find the previous Monday Session Reports on the website just click here. You can also look at the images for each week by clicking here and look at the images for each contributor by clicking here.

Once again thanks to all of you for making these evenings such a success, if nobody contributed then none of these evenings could happen. Keep on making and, most important of all,  keep on sharing!

 Photos are below, click on a photo to see a bigger version.

Andrew Hall: Woodturning
Andrew Hall: Woodturning (10)
Andrew Hall: Woodturning (2)
Andrew Hall: Woodturning (3)
Andrew Hall: Woodturning (4)
Andrew Hall: Woodturning (5)
Andrew Hall: Woodturning (6)
Andrew Hall: Woodturning (7)
Andrew Hall: Woodturning (8)
Andrew Hall: Woodturning (9)
Burnsy: Woodturning
Burnsy: Woodturning (10)
Burnsy: Woodturning (11)
Burnsy: Woodturning (12)
Burnsy: Woodturning (2)
Burnsy: Woodturning (3)
Burnsy: Woodturning (4)
Burnsy: Woodturning (5)
Burnsy: Woodturning (6)
Burnsy: Woodturning (7)
Burnsy: Woodturning (8)
Burnsy: Woodturning (9)
Gary Lowe: Woodturning
Gary Lowe: Woodturning (2)
Gary Lowe: Woodturning (3)
Gary Lowe: Woodturning (4)
Julian Cleak: Woodturning
Julian Cleak: Woodturning (2)
Julian Cleak: Woodturning (3)
Kevin Purdy: Woodturning
Kevin Purdy: Woodturning (10)
Kevin Purdy: Woodturning (2)
Kevin Purdy: Woodturning (3)
Kevin Purdy: Woodturning (4)
Kevin Purdy: Woodturning (5)
Kevin Purdy: Woodturning (6)
Kevin Purdy: Woodturning (7)
Kevin Purdy: Woodturning (8)
Kevin Purdy: Woodturning (9)
Martin Stacey: Woodturning