Phil Irons : Woodturning

Another busy week in the workshops, old interests being revisited, new tools being bought (and returned), historical re-enactments, trips to the seaside, cars used as swimming pools...some of us even found time for some woodturning...whatever next!! Read on for more...

Len Shield : Woodturning

Another busy week in the workshops with parcels being sent and received, puzzles and jigsaws, mystery timber, young turners batch sphere turning, a very special piece of machinery from Paul Howard and do we fit it all in!! Read on for more...

Phil Irons : Woodturning

The holiday season is in full swing so we had a few absentees this week but those of us still here more than made up for it !! Lots to talk about and lots to look at. Read on for more...

Len Shield : Woodturning

So, this week we had reports back from the Chestnut weekender, the Dalamann demonstration, triumphs at the Slaley show, a fantastic piece of work from a young turner and of course the start of preparations for Christmas (yes, I know it's not December yet).Read on for more...

Gary Lowe : Woodturning

This week we had all sorts of stuff going on, further Christmas preparation work, Raku pottery firings, sailing trips to the Outer Hebrides, tree felling, car repairs and some of us even found time for some woodturning....whatever next !!! Read on for more...

Patrick Lindsay : Woodturning

This week we had photos from abroad, more fun and games with 3d printing, a report back from car fest, woodturning featured in the New York Times and of course lots of Orchids .... lots going on but some of us still found time for some woodturning! Read on for more...

Burnsy : Woodturning

Another busy week, the poor weather in the North does not seem to be putting people off too much. We had more 3d printed goings on, pointing and painting, orchids, dancing cars (see the video from Martin Stacey), flying trees, supersonic aircraft and we also managed to squeeze in some woodturning...well some of us did. Read on for more...

Gary Lowe : Woodturning

Lots to report back on this week, more laser cutting, Gummy Bear deliveries, axe throwing, house renovations, tree planting, bandsaw safety, orchids (of course!) and some of us even found time for some woodturning. Read on for more: 

Kevin Purdy : Woodturning

Lost of folks taking advantage of the recent decent weather to tackle those outdoor jobs before the bad weather returns, some tree felling, some interior renovations, rechargeable light bulbs and nesting dolls...some of us even got some woodturning done, whatever next !! Read on for more: 

Gary Lowe : Woodturning

Some interesting work and lots of discussion this week, a trip out to an inspirational exhibition, some salvaged wood being converted, pens and finishes, work inspired by demonstrations and some progress on recovery. Read on for more: 

Graham Brooks : Woodturning

Shortened report this week, someone was off to a book festival, yes they still make them!! Photos are here though !! Read on for more: 

Arun Radysh Haasis : Woodturning

Lots of projects on the go this week, some being completed, some started and, of course, someone did have to go and mention Christmas (sorry Jim!). Read on for more: